Avoid Vague Statements in Résumés: Former Amazon Recruiter’s Advice


A former Amazon recruiter has highlighted a common mistake job seekers make on their résumés: using vague statements that lack quantifiable achievements. According to Lindsay Mustain, CEO of Talent Paradigm and former recruiter at Comcast and Amazon, these statements resemble what one might hear at a Miss America pageant rather than in a professional résumé.

The Problem with Vague Statements

Mustain emphasized that many job seekers, from junior employees to C-suite executives, often fall into the trap of providing generic descriptions of their roles without highlighting their accomplishments. For instance, phrases like “I had stakeholder meetings with people” fail to demonstrate the impact of one’s work and make the résumé appear like a generic job description.

Quantify Your Accomplishments

Instead of vague statements, Mustain advises job seekers to quantify their achievements, providing concrete numbers to showcase their contributions. By including metrics and analytics in their résumés, applicants can demonstrate the value they brought to their previous roles and stand out among the sea of applicants.

Importance of Results-Based Résumés

Recruiters, who often sift through thousands of résumés, prefer those that are results-oriented. Mustain emphasized that a résumé highlighting quantifiable achievements allows reviewers to quickly gauge the applicant’s impact and suitability for the role. This approach is particularly crucial in competitive job markets where candidates need to differentiate themselves.

Expert Insights

Eugene Hayden, who has experience at companies like Google, KPMG, and the Boston Consulting Group, echoed Mustain’s sentiments. Having reviewed hundreds of résumés, Hayden noted that a significant majority lacked quantifiable achievements, hindering applicants’ chances of standing out. He emphasized the importance of showcasing how one’s qualifications align with the job requirements to impress hiring managers and recruiters.

In conclusion, job seekers should steer clear of vague statements in their résumés and focus on quantifying their achievements. By doing so, applicants can effectively demonstrate their value and suitability for the desired roles, increasing their chances of landing interviews and securing employment opportunities.

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