Interpreting Brand Spirit: Estée Lauder Companies CIIE II


dongqi Design adeptly captures the essence of Estée Lauder Companies (ELC) through architectural design in the ELC pavilion II at the China International Import Expo (CIIE). The pavilion, resembling a cube from the outside, unfolds into distinct areas inside, showcasing ELC’s corporate culture and its 19 brands. The layout, derived from a grid system, exudes dynamism with rounded corners, meticulously tailored to accommodate the unique requirements of each brand and ensure a captivating experience for visitors.

Dynamic Spatial Design: A Play of Light and Form

Central to the pavilion’s spatial form is the partition system, seamlessly integrating translucent acrylic and transparent elements. Vertically segmented, the acrylic fins, arranged in a gradient of angles, create an ever-changing interplay of light and shadow. Visitors journey through the pavilion, experiencing shifting atmospheres akin to traversing a crystal garden or a serene forest. The collaboration between architects and steel structure engineers ensures structural integrity while maintaining visual coherence, with steel columns mirroring the shape and size of acrylic fins and coated with a mirror finish for an ethereal aesthetic.

Brand Integration: Customized Displays and Lighting

The design language extends to each brand area, with display fixtures meticulously crafted to reflect the tonality of individual brands. Material selection, such as black mirror-finished stainless steel, echoes the temperament of specific brands, fostering a cohesive narrative. Lighting design not only serves functional purposes but also enhances the overall ambiance, illuminating the pavilion with narrative intent.

A Symphony of Elegance: Fusion of Form and Function

Viewed from afar, the pavilion resembles a pure crystal, each facet reflecting its unique hue, embodying ELC’s ethos of tenderness, wisdom, delicacy, and grace. The transparent and translucent acrylic elements epitomize beauty, symbolizing inclusivity and purity, aligning seamlessly with the theme of ELC CIIE II: Made of Prestige.

In essence, dongqi Design’s architectural rendition of Estée Lauder Companies CIIE II encapsulates the brand’s timeless elegance and sophistication, inviting visitors on a journey of discovery through a space where form meets function and beauty converges with narrative.

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