Eric Schmidt’s Military Startup: White Stork Group

Eric Schmidt's Military Startup: White Stork Group

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt is reportedly spearheading the development of a military startup named White Stork, with ambitions to produce AI-powered attack drones, according to Forbes. The project, which was initially unveiled by Forbes earlier this month, has now surfaced with additional details, shedding light on its objectives and organizational structure.

Ambitious Plans for AI-Powered Drones

White Stork aims to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) technology to manufacture a fleet of attack drones capable of autonomously identifying and engaging targets. This initiative represents Schmidt’s foray into the defense industry, signaling a strategic shift towards military innovation and technology development.

Intricate Business Structure

The latest revelations about White Stork unveil an intricate business structure orchestrated by Schmidt. The startup operates under the guise of several Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), with Swift Beat Holdings serving as its primary entity. Notably, Swift Beat Holdings underwent a name change to White Stork Group in September, underscoring the evolution and consolidation of Schmidt’s military venture.

Schmidt’s Background and Military Ties

Eric Schmidt’s involvement in White Stork comes as a natural progression from his illustrious career in technology and his previous affiliations with government agencies. Following his tenure as Google’s CEO and chairman, Schmidt assumed leadership roles within the Department of Defense, serving as the chairman of its Innovation Board and contributing to initiatives aimed at enhancing national security through technological innovation.

Vision for AI in Defense

Schmidt’s vision for AI-powered combat drones reflects his belief in the transformative potential of emerging technologies within the defense sector. Drawing parallels to historical breakthroughs such as nuclear weapons, Schmidt emphasizes the paradigm-shifting impact of AI-driven autonomy and decentralized systems on modern warfare. In an interview with Wired, he underscored the imperative for the military to embrace technological advancements swiftly to maintain strategic superiority on the battlefield.


While Eric Schmidt’s military startup, White Stork, signals a bold venture into defense technology, it also raises ethical and geopolitical considerations surrounding the proliferation of AI-powered weaponry. As Schmidt continues to navigate the intersection of technology and national security, the trajectory of White Stork Group will undoubtedly be closely monitored by industry observers and policymakers alike.

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