Man Sues DC Lottery Over Disputed $340 Million Jackpot


A man has taken legal action against the DC Lottery after being informed that his apparent $340 million Powerball win was invalid.

Disputed Win

John Cheeks filed a lawsuit in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, alleging that he purchased a Powerball ticket on January 6, 2023, with two sets of numbers that matched those listed as winning numbers for the January 7 drawing on the DC Lottery’s website. The displayed jackpot was estimated at $340 million.

Rejection and Legal Action

Despite presenting his ticket to the DC Office of Lottery and Gaming on January 10, Cheeks was informed that the ticket would not be honored due to an error on the lottery’s website. Dissatisfied, Cheeks pursued legal action, filing his initial lawsuit shortly after the incident and subsequently amending it in November 2023.

Website Error Explanation

A project manager from Taoti Enterprises, a digital agency contracting with the DC Lottery, explained that during website testing on January 6, incorrect numbers were mistakenly published on the live site instead of the test platform. The error was rectified on January 9 after discovery by staff.

Response and Allegations

In response to Cheeks’ lawsuit, Taoti Enterprises labeled his claims as “fraudulent,” asserting that he purchased the ticket using numbers erroneously posted before the actual drawing. Cheeks demanded a payment of $320.6 million, the amended grand prize amount, along with interest.

Legal Proceedings

Initially naming multiple defendants, including the Multi-State Lottery Association, Powerball, and Taoti Enterprises, Cheeks later amended his complaint to solely target the DC Office of Lottery and Gaming. Taoti Enterprises emphasized that it was not responsible for lottery operations.

Integrity Concerns

Richard Evans, Cheeks’ attorney, highlighted the lawsuit’s broader implications for lottery operations’ integrity and accountability. The case raises questions regarding safeguards against errors in lottery procedures, underscoring the need for transparency and accountability in such systems.

Cheeks’ legal battle underscores the importance of meticulousness and reliability in lottery operations, emphasizing the significance of robust mechanisms to prevent and address errors in lottery outcomes.

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