Historic Texas Ranch Devastated by Wildfires


A historic Texas ranch, listed for sale at $180 million, has suffered extensive damage due to wildfires sweeping across the Texas Panhandle, the owners disclosed on Thursday.

Turkey Track Ranch Affected

The Turkey Track Ranch, spanning approximately 80,000 acres, faced significant devastation, with initial assessments indicating that about 80% of its pastures, plains, and creek bottom vegetation were consumed by the fires.

Unparalleled Losses

The owners expressed deep sorrow over the loss of livestock, crops, wildlife, and infrastructure, describing it as an unprecedented tragedy in the ranch’s history. They extended gratitude to the firefighters who battled to protect the property.

Rich History

The Turkey Track Ranch holds a prominent place in Texas history, being one of the original ranches in the Panhandle. It boasts a rich Native American heritage and is renowned for its association with the battles of Adobe Walls in 1864 and 1874.

Impact of Smokehouse Creek Fire

The ranch, located in northern Texas, fell victim to the Smokehouse Creek Fire, the largest among multiple wildfires raging across the Panhandle. The blaze, which erupted earlier in the week, has been labeled the most extensive and destructive wildfire in Texas’s history.

Escalating Crisis

As of Thursday, the fire had scorched nearly 1.1 million acres, surpassing the size of Rhode Island, with only a minimal containment effort underway. Tragically, two fatalities have been confirmed in connection with the disaster.

State and Federal Response

In response to the escalating crisis, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a disaster declaration for 60 affected counties, acknowledging the severity of the wildfires. President Joe Biden, visiting the US-Mexico border in Texas, pledged federal support, directing officials to provide all possible assistance to the affected communities.

Amidst the devastation wrought by the wildfires, efforts are underway to contain the flames and mitigate the profound impact on the affected regions.

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