Safeguarding Norcia The Multipurpose and Civil Protection Center


In a bid to bolster the economic and cultural development of Norcia, the Multipurpose Civil Protection Centre emerged as a beacon of hope. Designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti, this center stands as a testament to resilience and community spirit, serving as a safe haven during times of earthquake emergencies while also fostering multifunctional activities for local residents.

A Symbol of Solidarity

The genesis of the Multipurpose Civil Protection Centre can be traced back to the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that shook Central Italy in 2016. Through the “Un aiuto subito. Terremoto Centro Italia 6.0” campaign, spearheaded by Corriere della Sera and TG La7, funds were raised to support the reconstruction efforts in Norcia. Stefano Boeri Architetti seized this opportunity to contribute to the community’s recovery by envisioning a versatile facility that would not only serve as a Civil Protection hub but also as a catalyst for revitalizing local initiatives.

Rapid Development for Immediate Relief

Constructed in a remarkably short span of just over three months, the Centre was swiftly handed over to the residents on June 30th, 2017. Its primary purpose was to provide a safe gathering space for the populace during earthquake emergencies. However, it soon evolved into a multifunctional venue, accommodating various activities organized by the Town Council and local associations. Spanning an area of 450 square meters, the building comprises two multipurpose halls flanking a central service block.

Harmonious Integration with the Environment

One of the defining features of the Centre is its seamless integration with the natural surroundings. Constructed primarily of wood, the building pays homage to the surrounding landscape while ensuring structural resilience against seismic activity. The dynamic pitched roof, reminiscent of the sinuous Sibylline Mountains, adds a touch of elegance to the design. The use of lamellar fir and larch panels not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also underscores the reversible nature of the construction.

Symbolic Reconciliation with Nature

Emphasizing a symbolic reconciliation between humanity and the environment, the Centre boasts large windows that flood the interiors with natural light. These windows, crafted with high seismic resistance, symbolize transparency and openness, fostering a sense of unity with nature. Moreover, the strategic positioning of the Centre, serving as a gateway to the “Parco dei ‘marcite'” and the Benedictine hiking trails, underscores its role in promoting environmental conservation and cultural enrichment.

A Testament to Resilience and Renewal

The Multipurpose and Civil Protection Center of Norcia stands as more than just a building; it embodies the collective resilience and determination of a community striving to rebuild in the face of adversity. With its multifunctional capabilities and sustainable design ethos, it not only provides a safe haven during emergencies but also fosters a sense of unity and rejuvenation among the residents of Norcia. As a symbol of solidarity and hope, it paves the way for a brighter, more resilient future.

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