Rediscovering the Past: Apartment 011 by Flipê Arquitetura


In the bustling heart of São Paulo lies Apartment 011, a testament to the harmonious blend of history and modern creativity curated by Flipê Arquitetura. Let’s delve into the architectural narrative of this captivating space.

A Fusion of Eras

Apartment 011 embodies a dual perspective – the vibrancy of contemporary living intertwined with a profound appreciation for design legacies of yesteryears. Guided by the owners’ eclectic tastes, Flipê Arquitetura embarked on a journey to reimagine the apartment, infusing it with a nostalgic essence while celebrating its urban surroundings.

Architectural Evolution

The layout of Apartment 011, shaped by the building’s structural framework, underwent a metamorphosis post-demolition. What emerged was an expansive, open-plan layout, a departure from its former segmented configuration. Each space was meticulously crafted to align with the couple’s lifestyle, offering a seamless blend of functionality and aesthetics.

Revival of Materials

Materials reminiscent of bygone eras take center stage within Apartment 011, breathing new life into familiar forms. Glass bricks, once ubiquitous in retro design, reappear as sculptural elements, offering both visual intrigue and functional privacy. Their presence underscores the apartment’s timeless allure, while also reflecting the exigencies of contemporary living, notably heightened hygiene awareness.

Timeless Accents

Granilite floors, warm rosewood tones, and accents of green and wine evoke a sense of nostalgia, harking back to design trends of decades past. Intricately crafted doors, adorned with miniature boreal glass, serve as both aesthetic focal points and practical partitions, fostering a sense of intimacy within the integrated spaces.

Nostalgic Flourishes

Oval motifs, delicately integrated into illuminated crown moldings, infuse Apartment 011 with a whimsical charm, reminiscent of a bygone era. The bespoke curved sofa, aptly named Sofa 011, epitomizes the project’s ethos, serving as a dynamic centerpiece that transcends spatial boundaries, fostering fluid circulations and interactions.


Apartment 011 stands as a testament to Flipê Arquitetura’s ingenuity in bridging the gap between past and present, offering a timeless sanctuary in the heart of São Paulo. Through meticulous craftsmanship and thoughtful design interventions, this project exemplifies the transformative power of architecture in shaping our lived experiences.

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