Cotí Arquitetura Office: A Garden Oasis for Creativity


Cotí Arquitetura’s office renovation embodies the concept of a Garden-Office, blurring the boundaries between work and nature. With a modest original space of 12 m², the design aimed to integrate the office seamlessly with its surroundings.

Conceptual Foundation

Rooted in the Portuguese word “cotidiano,” meaning “everyday routine,” Cotí Arquitetura’s design philosophy celebrates the ordinary. The office’s transformation unfolded alongside a master’s degree in urban planning, intertwining spatial design with academic exploration.

Spatial Integration

Central to the renovation was the reconfiguration of openings to enhance connectivity with the garden. A fixed window replaced the original entrance, while a large sliding glass door ushered in natural light and views of the lush exterior. The 12 m² indoor area juxtaposed with a 20 m² patio fosters a Garden-Office ethos, blurring the line between interior and exterior.

Dynamic Interplay

The garden’s side wall, constructed with hollow concrete blocks, allows light and shadows to dance across the space. This deliberate choice not only adds vitality but also establishes a tangible link to the adjacent work warehouse, where construction processes unfold. The ever-changing shadows and proximity to hands-on activities evoke a sense of creativity and spontaneity.

Functional Simplicity

Internally, the layout prioritizes functionality and adaptability. Workstations double as meeting areas, while ample storage accommodates samples, references, and equipment. A light table serves as a versatile workspace for sketching and model-making, fostering a dynamic creative environment.

Material Palette

A neutral color palette dominated by concrete, gravel, white, and gray sets the stage for creativity. These materials, along with the interplay of light and shadow, define the office’s aesthetic while seamlessly integrating with the natural surroundings.


Cotí Arquitetura Office embodies a harmonious blend of workspace and garden oasis. By embracing the ordinary and leveraging spatial integration, the design fosters creativity, collaboration, and connection with nature. As shadows shift and ideas flow, Cotí Arquitetura’s Garden-Office serves as a testament to the transformative power of architecture.

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