Exploring New England: The Artistry of Jarid del Deo


Jarid del Deo, an artist residing in southern Maine, draws inspiration from the picturesque landscapes and quaint charm of his New England surroundings. While he acknowledges a connection to the tradition of representational picture-making, it is the interplay of color and shape that truly ignites his passion for art.

Observational Approach to Painting

Del Deo’s artistic process is characterized by a meticulous and contemplative approach. He emphasizes the importance of observation, stating that he dedicates more time to looking than to painting itself. This deliberate approach allows him to immerse himself in his surroundings and carefully consider the elements that captivate his attention. Del Deo views this observational relationship as equally significant as the final outcome of his paintings.

Capturing Color and Form

For del Deo, the essence of his work lies in his ability to capture the vibrancy of color and the fluidity of form. He is particularly drawn to the nuanced interplay of light and shadow that defines the New England landscape. Through his paintings, del Deo seeks to evoke a sense of atmosphere and mood, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of hues and textures that characterize his art.

Embracing Tradition with a Contemporary Twist

While del Deo acknowledges his connection to the tradition of representational art, he infuses his work with a contemporary sensibility. He experiments with unconventional techniques and approaches, pushing the boundaries of traditional picture-making to create compositions that are uniquely his own. By blending tradition with innovation, del Deo breathes new life into familiar subjects, offering viewers a fresh perspective on the beauty of New England.


Jarid del Deo’s artistry offers a compelling exploration of the New England landscape, characterized by its vibrant colors and dynamic forms. Through his meticulous observational approach and innovative techniques, del Deo invites viewers to experience the beauty and charm of his surroundings in a new light. As he continues to push the boundaries of his craft, del Deo remains a distinctive voice in the contemporary art scene, capturing the essence of New England with unparalleled clarity and vision.

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