Revitalizing Tradition The Christchurch and Parish Center Kehl Project


Architekten: VON M GmbH - Fotografie: ©Zooey Braun - Veroeffentlichung nur gegen Honorar, Urhebervermerk und Beleg / permission required for reproduction, mention of copyright, complimentary copy, FUER WERBENUTZUNG RUECKSPRACHE ERFORDERLICH! / PERMISSION REQUIRED FOR ADVERTISING!


The Christchurch and Parish Center in Kehl underwent a transformative renovation and expansion, aiming to establish the oldest church in Kehl as the central location of the parish. Through the addition of a new parish hall and the refurbishment of the historic Christus-Kirche, the project sought to create a multi-functional parish center while preserving its historical significance.

Spatial Concept

Inspired by the concept of a cloister, the community center features a central event hall as its focal point. Unlike a traditional cloister, the hall is column-free and illuminated by a skylight, creating a bright and airy atmosphere. Surrounding the hall are adjoining rooms along the closed façade, with large windows providing ample natural light and ventilation.

Architectural Design

Drawing from Weinbrenner’s classicism, the architecture of the community center embodies a clear geometric order, precise details, and the use of light and natural materials. The new building is constructed with vertically perforated bricks, creating a visually striking texture. Inside, a system of beams and plywood ceiling elements complements the brickwork, adding warmth and character to the space.

Restoration of the Church

The restoration of the historic Christus-Kirche focused on reconstructing its original shape and color scheme, while integrating modern interventions for functionality and flexibility. Traditional pews were replaced with flexible seating, and movable walls were introduced to adapt the church space for various uses.

Integration of Tradition and Modernity

The project successfully combines tradition and future through its design and functionality. Mobile fixtures and movable walls ensure maximum flexibility, allowing for diverse room layouts and configurations. The use of natural oak fixtures creates a subtle contrast with the existing building, adding a contemporary touch while honoring its heritage.


The Christchurch and Parish Center Kehl project represents a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. By preserving the historical integrity of the Christus-Kirche while introducing innovative design elements, the project creates a versatile and welcoming space for the community, ensuring its relevance for generations to come.

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