CEO Faces Backlash for Social Media Behavior


A CEO finds himself under fire as his company faces a significant backlash following allegations that he used the company’s Instagram account to attack an influencer. The incident has led to a sharp decline in the company’s reputation and reviews.

Influencer’s Experience

Rupica Sudan, a prominent food and travel influencer, recounted an unsettling encounter with in a TikTok video posted in January. She shared that after posting a video of herself cooking with her father, she received what she perceived as unwarranted criticism from the official Instagram account of

Escalating Situation

Sudan’s response to the comments led to further exchanges, with some viewers questioning the professionalism of the company’s behavior on social media platforms. Negative reviews on TrustPilot caused the company’s rating to plummet, prompting concerns about the CEO’s handling of the situation.

Legal Threats and Further Actions

As tensions escalated, Sudan reported receiving emails from the CEO, Brandon Howard, requesting the removal of her videos and threatening legal action. Sudan expressed her disbelief at the CEO’s response and highlighted multiple typos in the emails, raising questions about the professionalism of the company’s communication.

Allegations and Response

Sudan later raised concerns about her work email being used to sign up for inappropriate sites, though she lacked evidence directly linking Howard to the incident. Howard denied allegations of abusive behavior and criticized the influencer for inciting a negative media storm.

Social Media Impact

The incident sparked widespread discussion on social media platforms, with many expressing shock at the CEO’s behavior and questioning his leadership. Sudan’s video garnered millions of views and prompted a wave of incredulous reactions from viewers.


This incident serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of company leaders’ actions on social media and underscores the importance of maintaining professionalism and respect in online interactions. As social media continues to play a significant role in shaping public perception, companies and their executives must exercise caution and accountability in their online presence.

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